Building a life and a thriving business alongside my family is the heart of my journey.

Over the past 12 years, I've carved my path in the wedding industry, evolving from a startup to the proud owner of a 6-figure business, executing over 250 weddings, and organizing events for renowned individuals. In the face of challenges, including the unprecedented times of pandemic,
my business continued flourishing and I couldn’t be more excited to share my proven strategies with you

I'm a passionate wedding business owner, a proud mom of two beautiful kids, and a devoted wife to an amazing husband with whom I've shared 20 wonderful years.

I am on a quest to elevate Croatia to the luxury wedding market, envisioning it as the top wedding destination in Europe. I strongly believe in the potential and strive to motivate wedding professionals to elevate their service standards and adopt a mindset that embraces boundless possibilities.

I am fueled by an insatiable curiosity and obsessed with learning something new every day. Drawing inspiration from the best, including  Tony Robbins, my dream is to write a book and become a globally recognized motivational speaker.

My dream is flying out with my friends and family on a private jet to a secluded island for a week-long birthday experience. I know you want to be my friend now! :)


I encourage my colleagues to see education and growth as a continuous journey. As we learn, improve, and evolve, we contribute to the dynamic nature of our industry. There is always room for innovation and fresh perspectives, and this constant evolution benefits us all.

Continuous Improvement

The beauty of the wedding industry lies in its diversity. Clients have varying preferences, styles, and visions. What resonates with one client may not be the perfect fit for another. By embracing our differences, we ensure that there is a perfect match for every client, expanding opportunities for everyone.

Diverse Clientele

I view my colleagues not as rivals but as potential partners and allies. When we empower each other with knowledge, we collectively raise the standard of excellence in the wedding business. Our shared success becomes a testament to the strength of our community.

Rising Together


The belief in scarcity often fuels fear of competition. I work with an abundance mindset, believing that there is ample success for everyone to attain. As we collectively elevate our standards and skills, we contribute to a thriving industry where everyone has the opportunity to shine.

Abundance Mindset


Each professional in the wedding industry brings something unique to the table – a distinct energy, taste, and style. My teachings are a reflection of my journey and perspective. I encourage my colleagues to embrace their individuality and leverage their strengths to carve out their own success.

My key value is to empower you as I strongly believe that they are no limits and nothing is impossible. Whatever your business goals are, I am certain together we can define a path of achieving them.

Unique Energy, Taste, and Style


Guide you to confidence & success

My key


Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one

the quote i live by

As I pursue my aspirations, I am dedicated to sharing insights with fellow creatives in the wedding industry, guiding them on how to increase their earnings, prevent burnout, and attract their ideal clients. I guide them to set boundaries, build frameworks, and master their mindset, fostering confidence and trust in their own abilities. 

Welcome to my world of passion, growth, and limitless

Let's not just build businesses but create legacies. Together, we'll elevate dreams, exceed expectations, and redefine success in the wedding industry.

Join me on this transformative journey.